While in Fes, we also did a quick day-trip to a nearby town called Meknes. There wasn't anything particularly special to see, but we found the market quite interesting.. :)
While in Fes, we also did a quick day-trip to a nearby town called Meknes. There wasn't anything particularly special to see, but we found the market quite interesting.. :)
Fes is the last city on our "official" world trip. Here, we stopped visiting tourist sites and spent most of our time setting up our computers to prepare for working remotely while travelling. We also took some time to take a vacation from our long trip, so we just relaxed and watched movies, walked through the new city, and played in the pool.
There are deserts everywhere.. but not all are equal. Most of the deserts we've been to so far, were rock deserts or small slivers of sand dunes. They were fun, but never really met that iconic image that we all get in our minds when we think.. "desert". We were still in search of that classic desert scenery... endless sand dunes.. as far away as the eye can see.
Essaouira is a pretty port town on the West coast of Morocco which has recently become even more popular because of its appearance in TV series Game of Thrones, as the city of Astapor.
We originally planned to spend 6 months working and slowly floating through Europe, but as Canadians, we are only allowed to stay a max of 3 months in Europe (out of every 6 months, cumulative days, and non-resettable). We didn't realize this was a big of a deal since there are so many great places to see around Europe... but after doing some research, we discovered that this 3 month "Schengen Visa" doesn't just apply to EU countries.. it applies to every country that is part off the Schengen Agreement. This turns out to be EVERY country in the European and surrounding region except for the UK (too expensive), Russia (we heard it can be tough to get a visa), Turkey, and the African countries.