Since we weren't able to get UK work Visas for the rest of the year, we had to hop back and forth to London for meetings every 6-7 weeks in June, July, and September. Each trip was only a week long, so we didn't have time to do much sight-seeing.
We spent a lot of time doing what the Londoners do.. drinking with friends and coworkers!
We also made time to check out the Turner paintings and other "art" at the Tate Britain Museum.
Dom and I don't often go to art museums. There's usually some stuff that we like, but there's also a lot that we just.. don't.. really.. get! Here are a few examples:
Sarcophaguses made from slices of old bread with bites taken out of them... ?
A canvas with just black and yellow intersecting lines
A painting called "Veil"... that's just an entirely black canvas
If someone can explain the significance of these pieces and why they're amazing enough to be in a prestigious museum, please enlighten us, we're really quite curious!!