Rhône Valley Villages

We were told that the weather in France this year has been unusually cold and rainy.  On one of the few sunny days we had, we went with Sheena and Oliver to visit a few of the Rhône valley villages.  

Creset was our first stop.  It's built on the side of a mountain, with a really great view of the region.
We stopped for lunch at the Le Baroux castle and ate our delicious bakery-fresh sandwiches and, of course, shared a bottle of wine!
After lunch, we made our way to Suzette.  Don't think we found what we were looking for there.. but they had a nice church.
Our next stop was Gigondas.. where fun fun began.  We mapped the route in the GPS software and decide to follow it... it led us across a mountain, along a tiny one-lane dirt road that was so bumpy the bottom of the car was occasionally scraping.  We eventually made it to the other side and had to pull over at a winery so that Oliver (who was driving) could take a break :).
Our last stop was Seguret.  It was a really cute town but we had to run through it really fast since we only had 45 minutes to visit (we had to get home in time for a skype-meeting for work).
This area of France has so many nice little villages with stone houses, castles, wine tasting, and bakeries.... what a great day!